среда, 19 сентября 2012 г.

Thompson Seen as Man With Many Friends, Foes; New Book Dissects Coach's Relationships - The Washington Post

A soon-to-be released book about John Thompson depicts theGeorgetown basketball coach as a demanding, controversial leader whocommands great loyalty from friends, associates and players whilecreating his share of critics among coaching rivals, the media andat least one former player.

The book, 'Big Man on Campus,' was written by Leonard Shapiro,television sports columnist and former sports editor of TheWashington Post.

Shapiro, who covered Thompson when he was coaching high schoolbasketball at St. Anthony's in Washington before taking over atGeorgetown in 1972, did not receive cooperation or interviews fromThompson in preparing the book. Thompson is writing his own bookwith Ralph Wiley, a Sports Illustrated special contributor.

Some of the topics Shapiro writes about include Thompson'sability to generate significant revenue for himself and theuniversity; the esteem in which he is held by many former players,in contrast to onetime star Craig Shelton's disappointment with theway he believes he has been treated by Thompson since leavingschool; and Thompson's well-publicized feuds with some coaches,including Lefty Driesell (patched up) and his own high schoolmentor, Bob Dwyer.

Shapiro reports that Georgetown generates $1.5 million annuallyin ticket sales from its basketball program and millions of dollarsin income from television. And Thompson, who last June rejected a $6million package from the Denver Nuggets to become general manager,is the beneficiary of a generous share of the school's basketballearnings.

According to the book, Thompson earns more than $300,000annually in salary and $200,000 as a representative of the Nikesporting goods company. In addition, he owns a home given him byGeorgetown alumni worth about $350,000, and earns substantial moneyfrom speeches (his normal fee is $20,000), a summer basketball campheld annually at Georgetown and other endorsements.

The book reports that in 1982, when CBS and Turner Broadcastingwere bidding to get the Hoyas and Patrick Ewing to move a date toplay Virginia and Ralph Sampson, Turner's company offered $700,000to each school compared with CBS's $635,000.

Russ Potts, the promoter of the game, 'arranged to sweeten thedeal for the Georgetown coach by having a soft-drink company pay him$50,000 to do a few clinics,' according to the book. 'No one atGeorgetown or WTBS would ever say that perk swung the deal to WTBS,but it certainly had to be a factor.'

Thompson, addressed about the reported transaction last week,did not comment. But Georgetown Athletic Director Frank Rienzo toldShapiro he was not aware of such an arrangement. 'I don't thinkthere's any connection between the clinics and Georgetown-Virginiain any way, shape or form,' he said.

Potts said yesterday he made no such arrangement with Thompsonto get the game, but did assist him some years later in a businessdeal with Coca-Cola. 'I've known John Thompson for 20 years,' hesaid. 'I did it as a favor, and I'd do it again.'

The book clearly shows that many of Thompson's former players(only a few of whom have not earned degrees since 1973) are fond ofhim and hold him in awe, even after they've been out of the programfor years. Most, including Ewing, declined to be interviewed for thebook. But several of his earlier players who talked understipulation they not be identified said they were disappointed inhow they were treated since leaving.

Shelton, a star center who completed his eligibility without adegree in 1980 and was a second-round draft choice of the AtlantaHawks, was one who publicly stated his displeasure. After 1 1/2seasons with the Hawks and six in Europe, Shelton left professionalbasketball and now works for a food store chain.

'I took good courses,' Shelton said. 'I just didn't graduate.

'Thompson's main concern is to keep his job and win. It's aboutmoney. The bottom line is the dollar, keep the job, keep it going.How can you be a father figure when you have the pressure to win?

'I just hope John Thompson knows that it was people like me whogot him where he is today. I hope he appreciates that,' Sheltonsaid.

Retorted Derrick Jackson, an assistant pastor in Wheaton, Ill.,whose senior season in 1977-78 was cut short because of a bleedingulcer, 'I consider {Thompson} a great man and a great friend.'

Thompson's relationship with rival coaches is the same: somefriendships, some feuds - often lasting for decades.

Morgan Wootten, the DeMatha High School coach, hasn't had arelationship with Thompson since a summer league incident more thantwo decades ago. Nor has Thompson forgiven his Archbishop CarrollHigh School coach, Dwyer, for telling a high school player in themid-'70s that Thompson was recruiting him only because he was white.

'Maybe I should not have said that,' Dwyer told Shapiro.'Sometimes the truth hurts.'

Of the racial mix in the Hoyas basketball program, which hasbeen predominantly black, the Rev. Timothy Healy, former Georgetownpresident, said: 'What John does is recruit kids who play in hissystem. Obviously, he is more comfortable with black kids. Thatwould be my guess, and it doesn't surprise me. I'm not uncomfortablewith the team. Basketball is a city game. . . . If Alonzo Mourningwere white, John would have gone after him.'

Bill Moore, a member of Georgetown's board of regents fromDallas, was quoted as saying: 'No one has ever told John who torecruit. If the best players are mostly black, that's great. Ifthey can play and they can graduate, I'm all for it. He's done ahell of a job.'