понедельник, 8 октября 2012 г.

Mourning Won't Play In Classic; Hoyas Recruit Opts For Dapper Dan - The Washington Post

Barring a long-shot legislative reversal of an NCAA ruling thatprohibits high school seniors from participating in more than twoall-star games, Georgetown-bound Alonzo Mourning, a 6-foot-10all-America from Chesapeake, Va., will not play in this year'sMcDonald's Capital Classic April 9 at Capital Centre.

Bob Geoghan, executive director of the Capital Classic, saidMourning expressed interest but is committed to playing the DapperDan in Pittsburgh April 8 and the All-America game in AlbuquerqueApril 17.

Geoghan also said yesterday that Mourning may have been swayed bythe fact that his coach at Indian River High School, Bill Lassiter,will coach Mourning's team in Pittsburgh. He said that Dapper Danfounder and director Sonny Vaccaro, a consultant to Nike SportingGoods, last year helped outfit Mourning's Indian River team withshoes and other equipment, which is permitted by the National HighSchool Federation, and that also may have been a factor.

'{Vaccaro} chooses to use inducements we have never used or planto use,' Geoghan said. 'I don't think it's fair to put that type ofpressure on kids where they think they owe you something. I don'twant to get to the point where I have to wheel and deal to getplayers to play here.

'Alonzo had repeatedly told me he wanted to play here because ofthe proximity for his relatives and friends to see him play andbecause he was going to Georgetown. But just lately, he said heplanned to play in the Dapper Dan instead of here.'

Vaccaro said, 'I developed a friendship with Alonzo long beforehe decided to go to Georgetown or play in any classic. As far as theinferences go about giving shoes to anyone, I give shoes to a lot ofschools and not all of the kids play in the Dapper Dan . . . And Ido get coaches who have excellent players but the coaches areexcellent coaches also and I'm rewarding them for doing a good job.The McDonald's Capital Classic uses people to steer kids to them,too.'

Mourning said he felt he owed Vaccaro for helping him and histeam.

'Sonny has been nice to me and helped me out a bit and I think byplaying in his game {it's} my way of paying him back,' Mourning said.'No one convinced me to play anywhere. I chose to play in the DapperDan. I would love to play in D.C. but it can't be worked out. Idon't think I'm disappointing anyone-they'll see me for the next fouryears. They might get tired of seeing me.'

In a last-ditch try, Geoghan appealed to the NCAA for a waiver tolet Mourning play here the day after playing the Dapper Dan.

'The main reason the limit is two is because the kids usuallymiss too much school traveling around to play in these games,'Geoghan said. 'But our game is on a Saturday afternoon. Alonzo couldfly here on Saturday morning, play that day and be home by nightfallif he had to be.'

John Leavens, director of compliance (special events) for theNCAA, said the chance of the NCAA changing the rule now would be'extremely slim, virtually nil.'

NBA players Moses Malone, Magic Johnson, Mark Aguirre, DominiqueWilkins, Ralph Sampson, Michael Jordan and collegiate stars J.R. Reidand Danny Manning have played in previous games and Geoghan thoughtMourning would be a natural for a game on Georgetown's home court.

Mourning said he decided to play in the Dapper Dan because of hisfriendship with Vaccaro, who is well known to high school and collegecoaches around the country, including Georgetown's John Thompson.

'Sonny is my friend but I had nothing to do with Alonzo selectingthe Dapper Dan,' Thompson said. 'It didn't matter to me where heplayed. That was Alonzo's choice.'

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